Metadigicular is thinking...

The New Green Ocean Ecosystem

business strategy instead of
the blue ocean

The NEW GREEN OCEAN Ecosystem is the New economic climate structure for businesses with a green ocean strategy and sustainable approach from the ESG perspective, in which all resources and sub-ecosystem chains | grid form a globular grid along Augmented Experience Accumulation(AEA) due to XI(Superintelligence strategic business experience, Xceed insight), along with AI/AGI/Strong AI, Deep Learning, and Big Data (Dataism) integrated into the IEQB, toward the positioning sustainability expedition, weaponized with AEA & armed with super obvious prominent business productivity introverted for extroversion productivity emission as well as joy whole sustainable positioning simultaneously, with 5D orientation(Dynamic Diversified Designative Developing Dominative) positioning targeted to the members for sustainable business vertical & horizontal activities is the value proposition of the platform and the hyper attribute of GAPEC.

Knowing and Managing Value Shares

Positive Interventions by Knowing and Managing Value Shares

The unique initial values (current Value), which come from AEA's uncopiable wisdom and methodologies, aggregate to create stability for the members of the New Green Ocean ecosystem. As members contribute to and benefit from this shared value, their soft thinking evolves into strategic thinking, leading them to create additional values (future shared value).
AEA clusters and categorizes these new shared values (future share value) and customizes them to create positive interventions in any grid and sub-ecosystem within the New Green Ocean ecosystem.

The New Green Ocean positioning sustainability expedition weaponized with AEA and armed with super obvious prominent business productivity introverted for extroversion productivity emission into the New Green Ocean Ecosystem forms a sustainable globular positioning 5D+ orientation targeted, preparing members for sustainable business vertical and horizontal activities with the highest possible speed, the lowest amount of mistakes, and the chaining of all the necessary resources and network making the job stable, decreasing the risk assessment, increasing cost-effectiveness, and Increasing efficiency.

Positioning of the mind-ware and soul-ware by AEA in the platform, individualized, and personalize, by arming the thought of SMEs, startups, and corporations and then customizing their activities and optimizing the business into Green Ocean Ecosystem. Unification in differentiating mindware of human resources in the world, businesses and individuals can have product affiliate solutions by profiting from all resources that each business strategy needs to have a cause individual to begin their businesses.
An orchestrator leader equipped with added wisdom XI based on AI could create a hub that can flow all streams in a multi-dimensional form, preventing departmental traps (human-centric). Balance the conflicts that arise due to integration by profiting from all advantages and privileges of a platform (superfast interactive scheme, hub, core management).

This results in a sustainable spherical positioning, with a 5D+ orientation positioning targeted towards members for sustainable business vertical and horizontal activities with the highest possible speed, the lowest amount of mistakes, and the chaining of all the necessary resources and network and making the job stable, Decrease the risk assessment to 0, Increase cost-effectiveness and Increase efficiency.

Safeguard the crowd funders by leveraging Innovative cutting-edge solutions.

Accompaniment of all the effective diversified categorization of various members, organized and enriched by AEA based on blockchain in line with industry 4.0 to industry 5.0 with smart ledger solution technology and benefiting from all the network and flow advantages with the combination of centralized governance for crediting and operation outlet decentralized management on the smart ledger scheme and the value base selling method for 5 elements projects, products, customers, process, and human-centric (upskill ) on the smart contract scheme safeguards the crowd funders in the business model of dynamic crowdsourcing and many other initiative business models customizing for the business. It has an enormous impact on the new economic ecosystem in which the cryptocurrency mechanism works toward wielded de wealth management such as BRI.

Toward the positioning sustainability expedition